Indevtech Blog

Indevtech has been serving the Honolulu area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Next OS on the Chopping Block: Windows 10

Next OS on the Chopping Block: Windows 10

Windows 10 has been an integral part of many users' digital lives for several years. Microsoft has recently announced the end of support for Windows 10, however, which has raised concerns and questions among its many users. This week, we will delve into the details of Windows 10's end of support, its implications, and what steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition.

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Tip of the Week: Working with a Virtual Desktop in Windows 10

Tip of the Week: Working with a Virtual Desktop in Windows 10

With Windows 10, you have no shortage of features and capabilities to take advantage of. One such capability: the use of a virtual desktop. Found near the Start button in your taskbar, the Task View button enables you to create and manage these virtual desktops, which we’ll discuss here.

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What’s Next for Microsoft Windows?

What’s Next for Microsoft Windows?

It may be hard to believe but Windows 10 has been around for five years. It may not have reached the on-every-device OS Microsoft had planned, but it still can be found on over a billion devices worldwide. That’s pretty impressive. Today, we will be taking a look at Microsoft’s plans for Windows 10 and how it might just be the last build of Windows.

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Windows 7 Has Nearly Ticked Its Last Tock

Windows 7 Has Nearly Ticked Its Last Tock

It won’t be long before Microsoft retires two of its most popular operating systems - but hopefully, you already knew that. Microsoft has made a point of reminding Windows 7 users that they need to upgrade before January 14 - and yet, many users haven’t done so.

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Taking a Long Look at Microsoft 365

Taking a Long Look at Microsoft 365

Microsoft has always offered a variety of business solutions, some which conform to your needs and others that do not. The beauty of this, is you can pick what solution will benefit your business, and leave the ones that will not behind. Here, we will discuss Microsoft 365 and what is offered within the Microsoft 365 package.   

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Tip of the Week: Simple Windows 10 Tips

Tip of the Week: Simple Windows 10 Tips

Windows 10 is the benchmark in PC operating systems at this juncture. It offers users all types of great options from previous versions of Windows, while integrating some of today's most dynamic technology to provide users with the very best in organization and ease-of-use. Today we will talk about five very simple tips that will get you started getting the full function of Windows 10.

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Tip of the Week: How to Set your Default Video App in Windows 10

Tip of the Week: How to Set your Default Video App in Windows 10

Windows 10 is a great operating system, but it changes up the formula a bit in regard to default applications for certain types of files. Anyone who has been using a computer for any amount of time has their preferred applications for watching videos or listening to music. We’ll show you how to set your default video playback application, as well as how to change certain settings for just about any purpose.

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Tip of the Week: How to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 Device

Tip of the Week: How to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 Device

Windows 10 is a remarkable tool. Having said this, it can sometimes seem to slow to a crawl… not the ideal situation when you’re trying to be productive. That’s why we’re devoting this week’s tip to speeding up Windows 10.

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Tip of the Week: Change Display Settings in Windows 10

Tip of the Week: Change Display Settings in Windows 10

One of the easiest ways you can customize your Windows 10 experience is by changing your device’s display settings. There are plenty of settings to change as per your specific needs, so this week’s tip will be dedicated to getting the most out of your displays, whether it’s a large new monitor you got over the holidays or an old one that has a little more life in it.

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Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

A trail of breadcrumbs can be a useful thing, whether you’re using it like Hansel and Gretel to find their way back home, or you’re using it in computing to find your way back to a page you were previously on. Today’s tech term is dedicated to the latter.

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Tip of the Week: Set Your System up with the Apps You like to Use

Tip of the Week: Set Your System up with the Apps You like to Use

Sometimes you’ll open up a document and it will open up in a default program on your computer that you never use, or one that you might not even know you have. This can happen with common types of file formats, like PDFs or MP3s, that could be opened by more than one program on your computer. Windows 10 makes it easy to customize your user experience through changing up the default applications for specific file types. We’ll show you how it’s done.

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Tip of the Week: Saving a Windows Product Key to a Microsoft Account

Tip of the Week: Saving a Windows Product Key to a Microsoft Account

To activate Windows 10, every user will need a product key. Every legitimate version of the software has one, but often times, users will need the product key later down the road, only to find that they’ve lost it or tossed it. For this week’s tip, we’ll describe a way to link your software’s product key to a Microsoft account so that you’ll never lose it again.

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Tip of the Week: Miss The Start Menu From Windows 8? Here’s How To Bring It Back

Tip of the Week: Miss The Start Menu From Windows 8? Here’s How To Bring It Back

Remember how when Windows 8 came out, it had that slick tiled Start screen? If you are one of the people who miss that interface, you are in luck. While Windows 10 returned the nostalgia of the traditional Start menu, you can emulate the experience of Windows 8’s tiled screen relatively easily in Windows 10.

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Tip of the Week: How to Automatically Open a Windows App in Fullscreen

Tip of the Week: How to Automatically Open a Windows App in Fullscreen

If you’re a regular user of Windows applications, you’ll notice that they will, by default, open into smaller windows, allowing users to customize the size of their windows as need be. Usually, when you want to increase the size of the app, you have to click the maximize button in the top-right corner. However, you can save a little bit of time each time you do this by setting Windows to default to full-screen mode for this application.

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Cybersecurity is one of those things everyone in a workplace should know about, no matter their role. But here’s the problem—turns out, a lot of people don’t. A recent survey in the UK found that about one in three adults flunked a cybersecurity test. And get this—the test was designed for 11-year-olds. Yikes.

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