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Mobile Device Management

Start widening the perimeters of business computing with Indevtech's Mobile Device Management system.

Your employees all carry around, and depend on, many types of devices. Smartphones, tablets, Ultrabooks, you name it, they have it. In order to capitalize on this shift in mobile computing, your company needs to enact a Bring Your Own Device policy that protects both your company and your staff. At Indevtech, we have the answer for this necessary integration: our mobile device management solution.

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How much data do your devices contain about your life? What would you do if law enforcement suddenly wanted access to it? Even if you’re a typical law-abiding citizen, you want to prioritize data privacy, but businesses also have an obligation to handle consumer information in a responsible way. Here’s what you need to know about law enforcement and access to your data.

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Indevtech Incorporated
Pacific Guardian Center, Mauka Tower
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2070
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-3205

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