Indevtech Blog

Indevtech has been serving the Honolulu area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Can Your Business Find VR Useful?

Can Your Business Find VR Useful?

Virtual reality is pretty neat, and many of today’s applications include it as one of their headlining features. With major companies like Facebook, Sony, HTC, and HP buying into virtual reality, one has to question what VR can offer in a business setting.

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Virtual Reality has a Limitless Future

Virtual Reality has a Limitless Future

Virtual reality, or VR, is a technology that not many people understand how to make the most of. Most people's experiences with VR is something that is achieved through a third-party application, be it a smartphone or a full-fledged headset. Most of those who experience VR do so without a first-person perspective, with only 16 percent of about 3,000 people polled by Statistica ever actually trying out a “real” VR headset. We’ll give you an idea of what modern VR technology looks like, as well as what the future holds for this technology.

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How Virtual Reality Could Help Paraplegics Walk Again

How Virtual Reality Could Help Paraplegics Walk Again

Virtual reality is a major contender for the next big technology to hit the business industry, and it’s been able to accomplish what modern neuroscience could not. In the medical sector, virtual reality has been tested on paraplegic patients in attempts to help them walk again using brain-controlled robotic limbs. However, these innovations have yielded unexpected, astounding results.

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Business is filled with situations that can easily be turned into problems if they are not met with a proper solution. In some cases, it’s as simple as changing a course of action, but some problems are deep-rooted and need to be addressed aggressively. Technology can often be a business’ saving grace in such instances. Let’s review some really bad scenarios that could be catastrophic, unless the right IT is in place.

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Indevtech Incorporated
Pacific Guardian Center, Mauka Tower
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2070
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-3205

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