Indevtech Blog

Indevtech has been serving the Honolulu area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Set Yourself Up for Success with Mindful Goals

Set Yourself Up for Success with Mindful Goals

When you run a small business, there is a tendency to dream big. You think of expanding rapidly and finding success instantly. Unfortunately, this is probably not the reality. By keeping your expectations realistic, you can find that you will find consistency. In today’s blog, let’s take a look at how any manager or entrepreneur can keep their expectations realistic. 

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Microsoft Copilot - What Business Owners Need to Know

Microsoft Copilot - What Business Owners Need to Know

AI is, by a landslide, the technology of the year. It was just a matter of time before Microsoft introduced their own enterprise-ready AI platform, and just like the launch of most emerging technologies, there is a lot of confusion and unanswered questions, so let’s talk about what Copilot is, and go over some things you should know as a business owner.

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Creating Productive Workspaces Keeps Business Comfortable

Creating Productive Workspaces Keeps Business Comfortable

Whether you are in the office or working remotely, there are many distractions that can derail your productivity. To set yourself up for success, we recommend that you follow the tips outlined in this blog. You might be surprised by how just a few simple adjustments can make a world of difference for your productivity.

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Here Are Some of the Best Outlook Shortcuts

Here Are Some of the Best Outlook Shortcuts

Microsoft Outlook, just like its sibling solutions Word and Excel, has several keyboard shortcuts that are designed to make navigating and using the application easier than ever. We’ve put together a short list of the ones that you might need to know so that you can take your productivity to the next level.

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Technology Can Replace These Office Conventions

Technology Can Replace These Office Conventions

With so many changes in the office environment over the past several decades, it’s no wonder that some of the staples from way back when are no longer crucial to the success of any organization. Technology has driven many conventions of the old office environment into extinction, rendering them obsolete and, in some cases, pretty much pointless to keep around. Here are just a few ways that technology has replaced some of these conventions.

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Tip of the Week: Useful Excel Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Useful Excel Shortcuts

When most people think “spreadsheet,” they’re thinking about Microsoft Excel. Yet, for how well-known it is, many people are unaware of many of its capabilities. This is particularly true of the shortcuts available to properly format these spreadsheets. For this week’s tip, we’re sharing a few of these formatting tips.

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Handy IT Acronyms to Understand

Handy IT Acronyms to Understand

It is pretty apparent that there are a lot (a lot) of acronyms used when discussing IT. In fact, that itself is an acronym for information technology. They can all get pretty confusing if you don’t necessarily think about these things every day. Considering this, we’ve put together a list of terms for you to know that we think may be handy to have.

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Pair Up the Right Workers to Increase Productivity By 10%

Pair Up the Right Workers to Increase Productivity By 10%

Keeping your workers as productive as possible is a challenge for every employer. According to a recent study by the Harvard Business Review, there is one easy that you can increase productivity: By keeping a productive worker in close proximity to other workers.

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Millennials to Make Up ⅓ of the Workforce. What’s This Mean for Your Business?

Millennials to Make Up ⅓ of the Workforce. What’s This Mean for Your Business?

Millennials are entering the workforce at a considerable rate. In fact, some experts claim that millennials will soon make up at least one-third of the entire workforce. Thus, it’s important for both employers and workers from previous generations to understand how this generation thinks, acts, feels, and most important of all, works.

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Tip of the Week: Maximize Workflow By Rethinking Your Office Layout

Tip of the Week: Maximize Workflow By Rethinking Your Office Layout

Of all the potential causes for a deficit within the office environment, the physical office itself isn’t likely to first come to mind. Even so, the value of establishing certain practical design and organization strategies have shown to improve employee morale, collaboration, and productivity. While these solutions may not be for every office, if your company is experiencing hindrances in productivity, these tactics may be beneficial implementations to incorporate within your business.

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What’s the Main Difference Between Office 365 and the Traditional Office Suite?

What’s the Main Difference Between Office 365 and the Traditional Office Suite?

Even if you already have Microsoft Office, did you know that there are multiple ways to use Office which could potentially save you money? It’s the difference between using the traditional Office apps, versus the subscription-based model provided by Office 365.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Easy Exercises Designed for Office Workers

Tip of the Week: 3 Easy Exercises Designed for Office Workers

You wouldn’t think that sitting at a desk all day could have many detrimental effects to the body, but the opposite is actually true: remaining stationary throughout the day, especially in a slouching position, can cause considerable stress and discomfort. This discomfort, in addition to decreasing morale, can be a distraction that cuts into the productivity of workers throughout the day.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Easy Changes to Make Your Workspace More Comfortable

Tip of the Week: 4 Easy Changes to Make Your Workspace More Comfortable

Sitting at a desk all day is probably the worst thing you can do for your health. The average office worker sits for 9.7 hours each day and after one hour of sitting the production of enzymes that burn fat declines by as much as 90 percent, significantly slowing metabolism. Then there’s ongoing back pain and eye strain. What’s the modern office worker to do?

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Moving to a New Office Building? Make Sure Your Technology is Good to Go!

b2ap3_thumbnail_moving_your_office_tech_400.jpgMoving your office is never an easy task. You have to move furniture, personal objects, and above all else, your technology infrastructure. There’s nothing simple about moving your office’s technology, but it’s still nothing to get worried about. That’s why we’re here to help, from suggesting the optimal network cabling, to the proper deployment of new and improved technology solutions.

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Office Workers Still Prefer Using a Traditional Phone Over Mobile

b2ap3_thumbnail_voip_solutions_400.jpgTake a moment to look at your desk telephone and contemplate its usefulness. When was the last time you used it for day-to-day operations? Do you even use it anymore, or do you rely on more recent communications solutions like Voice over Internet Protocol, and the smartphone? Some might argue that the telephone is an antiquated technology for the modern office, but recent studies show that despite its disadvantages, it still has an edge in the office environment.

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January 8th marked the start of our 25th year in business, as commemorated by our special 2025 logo you will see throughout the year.  I paused to reflect on the past 25+ years and how a calling to serve when I was a snot-nosed kid at Punahou led to the brilliant team and clients we are proud of today—and what lies ahead.

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Indevtech Incorporated
Pacific Guardian Center, Mauka Tower
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2070
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-3205

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