Your business communications platform needs to work at every level of your organization, but sometimes the underlying technologies get a tad bit antiquated and your strategy needs revision. Rebuilding your communications isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Here are four tips to help you enhance your communication strategies.
Indevtech Blog
If your business is still using its old, tired landline for communications, then you’re in luck; you haven’t yet tapped into the power of one of the most transformative technology solutions on the market today: VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol. Today, we want to discuss the benefits of VoIP and why it’s such a high-value investment for businesses.
The traditional telephone system may have once been a prominent part of your business’ communication infrastructure, but chances are that since technology has improved, you are wasting capital if you are still utilizing an antiquated telephone system. Let’s look at why using older telephone systems can hurt your business.
Just like business has changed dramatically over the years, so too have the tools they use to remain successful. One such tool is the telephone system, which is now capable of a host of impressive features that make it vital to the success of any business. What does hosted VoIP bring to the table, and how can you leverage it to your organization’s success?
In order to get the most value out of your business technology, it’s important to understand best practices and how they can figure into your business operations. Let’s examine some of the most effective practices that you should include in your day-to-day operations and how they can benefit your organization.
Voice chat and communication via telephone may have been the norm for years, but these days, video conferencing has really taken off in popularity. With remote and hybrid work still trending worldwide, now is as good a time as ever to reconsider the features of your video conferencing solution. Let’s take a look at some of the features that you should look for when implementing video conferencing.
A business has to have a telephone system. It is the simplest and most utilized method of communication. Many businesses, however, have to consider many variables before choosing theirs and it adds up to a lot of confusion. They need to take into account the cost, yes, but also the feature set, and the phone system’s ability to support much-needed mobility. Today, we will tell you about an option that checks all the boxes: a hosted VoIP system.
Useful collaboration tools can alter a business significantly by enabling cooperation that is impossible without them. How exactly these tools fit into your business is a whole other matter. Today, we’re going to talk about how you can integrate some pretty great collaboration tools without turning your business upside down.
All businesses need some type of communication infrastructure, especially considering how connected today’s workplace is. Today we will look at some of the best communications solutions out there for businesses of all sizes and industries, including many that you may (or may not) have already implemented for yourself. You can use this knowledge to fuel improvements to your own communications infrastructure.
Businesses often utilize signage to direct visitors to specific points of interest in their offices, but with the advent of digital technologies, the potential for digital signage is nearly endless. If leveraged properly, these displays can be used to provide key insights into operations, as well as notify employees and visitors of important information.
With business moving faster than it ever has before, it seems to be a no-brainer that collaboration is something that your business needs to focus on to remain competitive. Fortunately, there are many technologies and strategies that can be leveraged to help your business keep its collaborative and communicative efforts front-and-center.
Since companies have begun offering services in the cloud, organizations of all types have taken advantage of utility computing in hosted environments. One platform that we tend to see quite a lot of is Hosted VoIP. What makes a cloud-hosted business telephone system more attractive to the modern business owner than one they host onsite? Today we’ll take an in-depth look at the two options.
With more workers opting for mobile solutions than ever before, communications can be tricky to manage for a business. However, is your business’ infrastructure capable of adapting to these new developments in communication technology? You can bet that regardless of where the business takes you, certain applications and devices will always be useful throughout the workday.
Business technology can often augment communications and make collaboration easier, but administrators sometimes believe that these added perks come with a considerably higher price tag. When a solution comes around that can save money, like VoIP, business owners should consider it with serious intent to invest, as it can usher in an age of improved operations and efficiency for your employees, as well as a higher bottom line overall.
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP for short, might at first glance seem complex, but it’s really quite simple when explained properly. Unfortunately, misconceptions surrounding VoIP can become a barrier of entry for businesses considering a VoIP solution. We’re going to disprove some of these misconceptions and prove VoIP can be a valuable investment for just about any business in need of a communications solution.
Communication is pivotal to the success of your business, but it’s hard when you have a telephone system that seems like it was built for an age long past. A modern telephone system that utilizes the cloud is the ideal way to approach collaboration in the workplace. You have some options for this, but the easiest to take advantage of is a cloud-hosted Voice over Internet Protocol solution.