Indevtech Blog

Indevtech has been serving the Honolulu area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Can IoT Save Your Business Money?

Can IoT Save Your Business Money?

In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a game-changer across various industries. One way that businesses can utilize these technologies is to understand how their businesses use their utilities as well as automate the control of some of them to cut costs and utilize these resources more efficiently. Let’s look at how businesses are using IoT tools to stabilize utility costs. 

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Are You Taking Your Automation Initiatives Too Far?

Are You Taking Your Automation Initiatives Too Far?

In business, organizations that are able to automate processes have a leg up on organizations that rely on humans to do everything. Not only does it cost a lot less to run a business that has automated processes, it also helps improve organizational focus and efficiency by streamlining processes and removing the moving parts that can sometimes hinder operational progress. That’s not to say that there aren’t some places that a business can greatly benefit from a human touch. Let’s take a look at both sides of the argument.

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Make the IoT Work for Your Business

Make the IoT Work for Your Business

By now you’ve probably heard the term Internet of Things (IoT). You may not completely understand what it is, but you know it has something to do with all those “smart” devices that you see popping up everywhere. Today, we’d thought we’d get into what types of things are on the IoT and how they can have an impact on your business. 

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Use Automation to Improve Operations

Use Automation to Improve Operations

The difference between productivity and innovation is not always clear-cut, but the biggest one is that higher productivity naturally creates innovation… assuming it is supported by the right tools and mindset. How can technology help your business be more creative and innovative in the way it goes about its day-to-day operations?

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Automation Can Remove Your Business’ Training Wheels

Automation Can Remove Your Business’ Training Wheels

Automation as a concept is on the rise, and so too is its practice. Even before COVID-19 created considerable problems for several businesses, it was in use, and there is no reason for it to fall out of fashion now. There are plenty of ways your organization can implement automation to improve operations moving forward.

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Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Clientbase

Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Clientbase

One of the most important things that your business needs to do—especially now—is to communicate with the clients you serve. To guide you into doing so to the best of your abilities, let’s go over some tips for you and your team to keep in mind pertaining to your communications.

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Should Your HR Department Be Worried (About Automation)?

Should Your HR Department Be Worried (About Automation)?

Most companies have some sort of human resources department. Some are bigger than others. Some are more effective than others. Typically, the HR department deals with a lot of the stuff that no one else likes to. Today, software is being created using artificial intelligence that will be able to complete many of these tasks. Let’s take a look at how automation is affecting the modern human resources department. 

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IT Trends SMBs Should Focus On in 2020

IT Trends SMBs Should Focus On in 2020

Technology is a key part of operating a business nowadays, which is why advancements in business technology solutions are so important for organizations to keep pace with. Let’s review a few solutions and technologies that we predict businesses will (or at least, should) focus on this year.

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The Pros and Cons of Automating Business Processes

The Pros and Cons of Automating Business Processes

Most industries utilize automation to at least some degree. With plenty of benefits that can be taken advantage of, businesses need to remember that they still must be careful about implementing these systems, as failing to do so could cause downtime and negatively impact productivity. Here are some of the major benefits and detriments that your organizations should consider when examining automation.

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Monitoring and Automation Make for a More Secure System

Monitoring and Automation Make for a More Secure System

Information technology, in many ways, is a necessary evil. Sure, modern businesses more or less require it to remain competitive, but it also opens up your business to a multitude of threats. Maintaining your security is made much easier with automated monitoring tools. Today, we’ll discuss how to use these tools to protect your business.

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These 25 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Help Make Cars Intelligent and Safer

These 25 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Help Make Cars Intelligent and Safer

By now you’ve heard of self-driving cars insofar that you understand that there are engineers from all over the United States and abroad working with AI to develop systems that can create safer traffic conditions and cut down on emissions with efficiency. But what you may not know is that there are many drivers concerned at the development and deployment of these autonomous systems.

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Prepare for a Future of More Jobs Being Automated

b2ap3_thumbnail_automation_driving_business_400.jpgEliminating unnecessary costs is a natural part of doing business. By “trimming the fat,” so to speak, organizations can optimize operations and profits. Automation technology is instrumental to this plight, but as these systems grow more advanced and capable, even professional employees are finding themselves at risk of losing their jobs to cheaper, more efficient automated systems.

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Ready or Not, Self-Driving Cars Will Soon Be On the Roads [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_auto_driving_cars_400.jpgArtificial intelligence might be quite a ways off, but despite this, the push continues to make driverless cars a regular occurrence on the roads. Just look at how Google has its driverless cars rolling across testing grounds in Mountain View, California, and if they have their way, we might see a lot more of these vehicles hitting the roads in the near future.

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A Dark Shadow is Cast Over the Good Work Robots Do

b2ap3_thumbnail_manufacturing_robot_mistakes_400.jpgThe point of living in a world where technology takes over everything is that it’s supposed to make life easier. Although, keep in mind that imperfect humans are responsible for creating these technologies. Therefore, technology is flawed, maybe even to the point of putting people in harm’s way. This fundamental truth makes for an uneasy trust between man and machine.

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Tip of the Week: Take Advantage of Notepad’s Text-to-Audio Feature

computer_that_talks_400.jpgSome people talk to their computers, but not like they would speak to another human being. We coax it into doing it what we want, or we curse it out when it doesn’t. A day may come when artificial intelligence has progressed so far that we won’t be able to distinguish a computerized conversation from a normal one; but it is not this day. Until that glorious day comes, we’ll have to settle for these two methods to interact verbally with your PC.

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The Correct History of Autocorrect

b2ap3_thumbnail_this_is_autocorrect_400.jpgAutocorrect. The world takes it for granted now, but at times, it can be as furious as it is fasting… err, fascinating. It plays such an integral part of our everyday lives, yet how much do you really know about this software?

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Whether it’s a hard drive failure, a cyberattack, or just plain bad luck, losing data is a constant risk. Businesses and individuals alike suffer from data loss every day, and unfortunately, technology doesn’t always come with a safety net. Without a backup, you’re cooked if something bad happens. Today is World Backup Day! Let’s tell you why it is important to set up a reliable backup for your business.

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Pacific Guardian Center, Mauka Tower
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2070
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-3205

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